Gurnee Manor

5631 Manchester, Gurnee, IL 60031
Page info provided by

Last updated Oct 24, 2024

For residents and staff
(224) 206-7172
For pricing and availability
(847) 603-2366

Community insights for Gurnee Manor


Rating Highlight

This community is in the top 5% for care services among other similar communities.

Rating Highlight

This community is in the top 4% for cleanliness among other similar communities.

Rating Highlight

This community is in the top 4% for facilities among other similar communities.

Pricing for Gurnee Manor

starts from

Your monthly costs at Gurnee Manor will vary depending on room type and the level of care needed. Click the button below to connect with your Seniorly Local Advisor for more accurate pricing.

About Gurnee Manor

Gurnee Manor is an Assisted Living community in the Gurnee area. Estimated costs for this community start at $4,383, which is lower than the cost of care in the Gurnee area of $5,225.

Gurnee Manor is a welcoming senior living community that places a strong emphasis on providing exceptional care and medical services. Nestled in a serene neighborhood, this charming community offers a small, close-knit environment where residents can enjoy personalized attention and support. With 24-hour supervision and comprehensive assistance services, including help with bathing, dressing, transfers, and medication management, Gurnee Manor ensures that residents receive the care they need to thrive.

Residents at Gurnee Manor benefit from its convenient location, with essential medical facilities and services nearby. The Northwestern Grayslake Hospital is just a short drive away, providing peace of mind with its proximity. Additionally, the Hanger Clinic: Prosthetics & Orthotics is located within a few miles, making specialized medical care easily accessible. For everyday needs, a Walgreens pharmacy is just around the corner, ensuring that residents can obtain their prescriptions and health essentials with ease.

The community is enriched by its vibrant surroundings, offering a variety of amenities and activities that enhance the quality of life for its residents. Walking paths and a garden provide peaceful outdoor spaces for relaxation and exercise, while scheduled daily activities and community-sponsored events keep everyone engaged and connected. Gurnee Manor also takes care of transportation arrangements, making it simple for residents to explore the local area or visit nearby cafes like Starbucks for a leisurely coffee break.

Nestled in a diverse neighborhood, Gurnee Manor reflects the rich cultural tapestry of its surroundings, with a population that includes African American, Asian, Hispanic, and White residents. The neighborhood's high median income and impressive life expectancy contribute to a sense of stability and community well-being. With its strong focus on health care coordination and resident satisfaction, Gurnee Manor stands as a beacon of care and companionship, offering an optimistic and nurturing environment for seniors.

AI-generated description based on Seniorly's proprietary data. Contact a Seniorly representative to learn more.

Request a tour at Gurnee Manor

Morning (between 8AM and 12PM)

Care at Gurnee Manor

Care types offered

  • Assisted Living

    For seniors who need some help with daily activities and want a supportive community that’s active, social, and engaging. Explore Assisted Living in Gurnee

Health care services

  • Medication management
  • Assistance with bathing
  • 24-hour supervision

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Don Hull
Don Hull
Gurnee Seniorly Advisor
  • Serves in ChicagoLand North, IL
  • 4.9 (19 reviews)
  • Families helped: 1013
  • 9 years of experience
  • Top advisor: 2023
  • Need help sooner?
    Call us at (847) 603-2366

    Reviews of Gurnee Manor

    Seniorly Community Score
    Based on Seniorly's proprietary scoring

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    Amenities at Gurnee Manor

    Room amenities

    • Telephone

    Community amenities

    • Movie nights
    • Walking paths
    • Scheduled daily activities

    Community services

    • Housekeeping
    • Move-in coordination

    Dining services

    • Dining room
    • Diabetes diet
    • Special dietary restrictions

    Nearby communities

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    Seniorly Neighborhood Insights

    What you need to know for Gurnee, IL (60031)

    Total population: 35,671

    36% of population is 50+ years old, 12% is 65+ years old

    Median income: $100,979

    The poverty rate is 6% lower for this region compared to the Illinois state average, which is 12%


    8% of population identify themselves as Black, 12% as Asian, 16% as Hispanic, and 72% as White

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    Seniorly is not affiliated with the owner or operator(s) of Gurnee Manor. The information above has not been verified or approved by the owner or operator. For exact details, connect to a Seniorly Local Advisor in Gurnee by calling (847) 603-2366. There is no cost for this service. We are compensated by the community you select.

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