Villas of Holly Brook Belleville

4350 Frank Scott Parkway West, Belleville, IL 62223

For residents and staff
(618) 744-0231
For pricing and availability
(618) 666-0109

starts from

Your monthly costs at Villas of Holly Brook Belleville will vary depending on room type and the level of care needed. Click the button below to connect with your Seniorly Local Advisor for more accurate pricing.

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Enjoy beautiful senior living in Belleville, French for �beautiful city.� Belleville is a city in St. Clair County with a population of 42,034 residents. It is the home of the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, which provides an atmosphere where guests of all faiths have the opportunity to deepen their relationship with God and one another. Belleville is the most-populated city in the Metro-East region of St. Louis. Due to its proximity to Scott Air Force Base, this city receives a boost from military and federal civilian personnel, defense contractors, and military retirees.

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