Aspen House Assisted Living and Memory Care

2212 East 11Th Street, Loveland, CO 80537

For residents and staff
(970) 635-9800
For pricing and availability
(970) 528-5255

Pricing starts from

Your monthly costs at Aspen House Assisted Living and Memory Care will vary depending on room type and the level of care needed. Click the button below to connect with your Seniorly Local Advisor for more accurate pricing.

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At Aspen House Assisted Living and Memory Care, we absolutely believe that people are the key to our success. We have been fortunate to attract talented senior living managers and care providers who are dedicated to the well being of our residents.

We are deeply committed to providing a working environment that allows our team to grow professionally and personally as they serve our customers. We have created high expectations that demand our team members accept accountability, feedback and improvement.

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