Sodalis Tallahassee Memory Care

2767 Raymond Diehl Road, Tallahassee, FL 32309

For residents and staff
(850) 668-2884
For pricing and availability
(850) 753-2413

Pricing starts from

Your monthly costs at Sodalis Tallahassee Memory Care will vary depending on room type and the level of care needed. Click the button below to connect with your Seniorly Local Advisor for more accurate pricing.

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  • Our advice is free! We’re paid by the senior living communities in our network

Our memory care communities are designed based on the leading research and technology in senior living. We staff our communities based on the number of residents and their needs, not based on minimum state requirements. This means many of our communities have a higher staff to resident ratio than you will find elsewhere. All of our memory care communities offer medication management, 3 homestyle meals plus snacks each day, laundry and linen service, housekeeping services, and 24-hour support. In addition, all of our communities are pet friendly so your loved one will be able to bring their four-legged loved ones to their new home!

In addition, all are designed to be secure environments based around your loved one’s needs. We hire based on emotional intelligence as well as intellectual intelligence, meaning our associates are not only highly trained, but most importantly, they have huge hearts, are compassionate people, and are dedicated to working with seniors.

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