Yukon Koyukuk Elder Assisted Living Facility

2 Mile Campion Road, Galena, AK 99741

For residents and staff
(907) 656-2574
For pricing and availability
(855) 866-8719

starts from

Your monthly costs at Yukon Koyukuk Elder Assisted Living Facility will vary depending on room type and the level of care needed. Click the button below to connect with your Seniorly Local Advisor for more accurate pricing.

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Tucked away in the heart of Galena, Alaska, is the charming Yukon Koyukuk Elder Assisted Living Facility. This small, intimate community offers a cost-effective solution for seniors seeking assisted living care. The average pricing for residency is competitively set at $5,601, significantly lower than the average cost of similar properties in the city that are priced around $6,830. This affordable pricing model allows more seniors to enjoy the benefits of a nurturing, supportive community without the financial strain typically associated with such services.

The facility focuses on providing superior care and medical services to its residents. Round-the-clock supervision ensures the safety and well-being of each resident. The staff readily assists with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and transfers, making the residents' lives as comfortable as possible. Coordination with health care providers is also offered, ensuring that each resident's medical needs are meticulously addressed. The facility also offers medication management services, providing peace of mind for both the residents and their loved ones.

The residents' reviews of Yukon Koyukuk Elder Assisted Living Facility are overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the attentive, caring staff and the range of amenities offered. From walking paths and gardens for those who enjoy outdoor activities, to movie nights and scheduled daily activities for those preferring to stay indoors, there is something for everyone. The community also arranges transportation for residents, ensuring they can participate in community-sponsored activities and appointments without stress.

The facility is nestled in a diverse neighborhood with an Asian population of 1%, a Hispanic population of 4%, and a White population of 11%. The median income in the area is $30,779, and the average life expectancy is 75 years. Despite its remote Alaskan location, the area is well-served with a variety of essential amenities. Numerous physicians operate in the area, ensuring residents have access to medical care when needed. The neighborhood also boasts several cafes where residents can enjoy a warm drink and socialize, and pharmacies are readily available for any prescription needs. Parks in the vicinity offer tranquil spaces for leisurely walks and fresh air.

At Yukon Koyukuk Elder Assisted Living Facility, the goal is to provide a nurturing, affordable environment where seniors can thrive. The combination of comprehensive care, a vibrant community, and a well-served neighborhood makes this facility an optimal choice for seniors seeking assisted living in Galena, Alaska.

AI-generated description based on Seniorly's proprietary data. Contact a Seniorly representative to learn more.