The Pearl of the Shoals

2904 South Wilson Dam Road, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661

For residents and staff
(256) 826-5800
For pricing and availability
(855) 866-8719

Pricing starts from

Your monthly costs at The Pearl of the Shoals will vary depending on room type and the level of care needed. Click the button below to connect with your Seniorly Local Advisor for more accurate pricing.

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At the Pearl, there is always something to do! We offer a wide variety of life-enriching activities, and your personal choice is paramount. Decisions about your daily schedule are always yours. Our Life Enrichment Program is designed to offer opportunities in four specific categories key to maintaining your optimum health: fitness, nutrition, active life, and well-being. You can take up a new hobby, learn a new skill, or develop ones you already have! Set fitness goals. Challenge yourself intellectually. Experience all of the cultural and social opportunities here at the Pearl and all around the Fairview and greater Shoals area. Whatever your passion, you're bound to find the activities that bring you joy and promote overall wellness.

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