Resource Center / Caregivers / 21 Highly Rated Apps for Family Caregivers

21 Highly Rated Apps for Family Caregivers

Ready to revolutionize your caregiving routine? Seniorly's got a roundup of 21 highly rated apps designed just for caregivers. So whatever you need to tackle, it's time to let technology do some of the heavy lifting.

By Sushanth Ramakrishna Updated on Jun 11, 2024

Taking care of aging parents or loved ones can be tough, but luckily, technology is here to lend a hand! With a host of emerging caregiver apps, the caregiving journey can become a whole lot easier. From tracking health conditions and medication reminders to enhancing communication, these apps have got it all covered. In this article, we've rounded up the top 25 apps that'll make caring for your caregiving duties seem easier. Whether you need help organizing schedules, managing meds, or simply staying connected, these apps are here to simplify your life and keep your loved one happy and healthy.

And because we know you have better things to do than sorting through app ratings, our list only includes highly rated apps. We've spent days sorting through caregiver app ratings, focusing only on those that received a rating of 4.5 or higher out of 5 at the time this article was written. So without further ado, here's our 2023 list of caregiver apps.

Caregiving duties: what do family caregivers manage?

A family caregiver's role involves juggling a lot of responsibilities across different categories. Here are just some of the tasks that caregivers might find themselves managing on a typical day:

  • Physical Care: Assisting with daily activities such as bathing, grooming, mobility assistance, and home safety modifications.
  • Medication Management: Overseeing medication intake, arranging refills, and collaborating with medical professionals.
  • Medical Appointments: Organizing and attending medical appointments while maintaining and communicating relevant health records.
  • Emotional Support: Providing companionship and emotional comfort to their loved ones.
  • Household Management: Conducting household chores, meal planning, grocery shopping, and ensuring a safe living environment.
  • Financial Management: Handling bill payments, budgeting, insurance claims, and tracking expenses.
  • Safety and Security: Addressing potential home hazards and ensuring the loved one's well-being.
  • Communication and Coordination: Serving as the primary contact for family, healthcare professionals, and other caregivers.
  • Health Monitoring: Observing and recording changes in health conditions and maintaining comprehensive health records.
  • Transportation: Arranging and providing transportation for errands and outings.
  • Advocacy: Protecting the rights, needs, and preferences of their loved ones in healthcare and lifestyle decisions.

So if you're feeling overwhelmed, it's no wonder! You're managing a lot! Today, caregivers can turn to technology, support networks, and available resources - all available through caregiver apps - to lighten the load and still provide exceptional care for their older family members. Here's our list of caregiver apps that just might make your life easier.

Caregiver apps to manage caregiving responsibilities

If you're feeling overwhelmed with caregiving tasks, hold on - help is on the way! In this section, we'll explore a the best caregiver apps that can lighten your load and turn caregiving into a more manageable task.

  • CaringBridge: This app for caregivers provides a centralized and secure platform for caregivers to update family and friends on the older adult's health condition, progress, and specific needs. Caregivers can create journal entries, share medical updates, and receive supportive messages from loved ones, fostering a sense of connection and support during the caregiving journey. (Link) Rated 4.9 out of 5.
  • eCare21: This caregiving app empowers caregivers with remote patient monitoring capabilities. It enables them to track vital signs, monitor medication adherence, and receive alerts for any concerning changes in the older adult's health condition. This real-time information helps caregivers stay proactive and address potential issues promptly. (Link) Rated 4.7 out of 5.
  • Symple: Designed as a comprehensive health journal app, Symple allows caregivers to track and record various aspects of the older adult's health. From symptoms and medications to overall well-being, caregivers can gather valuable information to share with healthcare professionals, facilitating more accurate diagnoses and informed treatment plans. (Link) Rated 4.5 out of 5.
  • CareZone: CareZone is a handy app that helps caregivers organize various aspects of caregiving. It simplifies medication management by tracking schedules, dosages, and refills. It also provides a platform for creating to-do lists, storing important documents like medical records, and sharing care updates with family members (helping to navigate family conflict), ensuring everyone is on the same page. (Link) Rated 4.5 out of 5.
  • Connected Caregiver: This helpful app enables family members to work with other caregivers to share updates, manage tasks, and coordinate care with family members and healthcare professionals, promoting seamless communication and effective care management. (Link) Rated 4.7 out of 5.

Apps for caregivers to monitor health

Keeping an eye on your health just got easier! This section is full of the best apps for caregivers that effectively turn your smartphone into a personal health monitoring system, all aimed at making staying healthy a breeze.

  • Medisafe: A comprehensive medication management app that provides medication reminders, tracks adherence, and offers drug interaction warnings. (Link) Rated 4.7 out of 5.
  • Welltory Heart Rate Monitor: Offers a stress and energy management app, providing insights into well-being, heart rate, sleep quality, and stress levels. (Link) Rated 4.7 out of 5.
  • WebMD: Offers a symptom checker, medication information, and health advice to assist in managing an older adult's health conditions.(Link) Rated 4.7 out of 5.
  • iBP Blood Pressure: One of the best apps to help track and manage blood pressure readings, allowing caregivers to monitor trends and share data with healthcare providers.(Link) Rated 4.8 out of 5.

Caregiving apps to manage household and family organization

Managing a household doesn't have to feel like a juggling act. In this section, we're going to introduce you to the best apps for caregivers that help turn the chaos into order, making everyday tasks a whole lot simpler.

  • Grocery Gadget: Simplifies grocery shopping by creating and sharing lists with family members, allowing for efficient meal planning and shopping coordination. (Link) Rated 4.5 out of 5.
  • RxSaver: This useful (and free) app helps caregivers and older adults save money on prescription medications by providing discounts, coupons, and price comparisons at nearby pharmacies. (Link) Rated 4.8 out of 5.
  • Uber Health: Ok, so technically this isn't an app, but this new feature from Uber provides reliable and easy transportation for medical appointments, ensuring your loved ones get to their check-ups on time without any stress. (Link) No rating available.

Caregiving apps to manage physical and mental well-being

Keeping track of your physical and mental well-being is super important, especially in our fast-paced world. This section introduces you to a range of apps aimed at making looking after your health a whole lot easier and quite interesting too.

  • Lumosity: Offers brain-training exercises and games to promote cognitive health and keep older adults mentally sharp. (Link) Rated 4.7 out of 5.
  • SilverSneakers GO: Offers workout routines and fitness challenges for older adults, promoting an active lifestyle. (Link) Rated 4.5 out of 5.
  • TED: Managing mental health means continued engagement, and the TED app provides access to a vast library of inspiring talks and educational videos on a wide range of topics to encourage lifelong learning. (Link) Rated 4.5 out of 5.
  • Ianacare: This caregiving app is designed to coordinate and manage the responsibilities of caregiving, by creating a supportive network that helps share tasks, updates, and important information amongst family, friends and neighbors. (Link) Rated 4.7 out of 5.
  • Happify: This digital self-care app provides science-backed activities and games that aim to reduce stress and improve overall emotional well-being, making it a valuable tool for caregivers managing their own mental health. (Link) Rated 4.5 out of 5.

Best apps for dementia caregivers

  • It's Done: This app serves as a digital checklist for caregivers and those they care for. It helps keep track of everyday tasks, loved one's medications, appointment reminders and more, thus ensuring nothing essential gets missed in daily routines. (Link) Rated 4.7 out of 5.
  • My House of Memories: This innovative app offers those living with dementia - and their caregivers - a way to look back at various memorabilia and moments from the past, aiding recall and promoting enjoyable, meaningful interaction. (Link) Rated 5 out of 5.
  • Alzheimer's Daily Companion: This app is a powerful tool for caregivers of Alzheimer's patients, providing essential resources, calming techniques for difficult episodes, tips for daily care, and a community where caregivers can find support and share experiences. (Link) Rated 4.5 out of 5.
  • Dementia Caregiver Solutions:This handy app provides expert advice and solutions for those caring for dementia patients, helping them effectively handle everyday challenges, manage symptoms, and improve their loved ones' quality of life. (Link) Rated 5 out of 5.

Navigating the role of primary caregivers for elderly parents can be quite a challenge. It becomes even more complex when juggling caregiving with other everyday responsibilities. Caregiver apps have emerged as a useful tool, streamlining tasks, and fostering effective communication among caregivers, other family members, and health care providers. These apps help decrease stress, improve organization, and ultimately lead to better care for our loved ones.

Expanding your care network has become significantly easier with the advent of various mobile apps. These digital tools, available on platforms like Google Play or the Apple App Store, not only help you to stay organized but often are free, or come with a monthly or yearly subscription service that offers added features.

With capabilities including, but not limited to, syncing with wearable devices and direct communication with health providers, they've transformed caregiving in the digital age. Beyond logistical support, these apps often provide uplifting support groups, inspiring messages that help you remember you're not alone, creating a comprehensive care network right at your fingertips.

written by:
Sushanth Ramakrishna

Sushanth Ramakrishna is Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder of Seniorly. As a an alumnus of Haas School of Business, Sushanth leads the Product function at Seniorly by combining engineering talent with deep knowledge of human behavior.

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